Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Rather Long 'Waffle' on Lyrics

Good lyrics are hard to come by. And, as I've found out, even harder to write. I don't think that the problem is so much the actual content of the lyrics how clever you use the words, although that is important for a good song. No, the problem is that to really make a meaningful song you need to really mean the lyrics you sing. REALLY mean them so that it's like you're pouring out all your innermost feelings as you're singing your song. For example, why is Tears of Heaven so amazing? Because Eric Clapton had just lost his wife to cancer (or something) and was pouring out all his emotions in that one song. And every time he sang it he truly meant every single word.

There are stories behind almost every famous song ever written. The songs are famous because they had such a strong meaning and the artist(s) sang with all their heart. When I write music I want it to be like that. But I'm stuck on my first piece. I've got a pretty OK verse and part of another pretty OK verse but I still don't know where it's going. I'm glad it's not just my song.

Have you noticed most great songs weren't written by just one person? McCartney and Lennon sometimes worked together, Brian May often assisted Freddie Mercury, and even Coldplay songs are never (afaik) attributed to only Chris Martin. It's been really cool working with Jesse so far because whenever I start to get off track or put down something that doesn't sound right he lets me know and vice versa. I couldn't have got this far without you bro. Our songwriting 'chemistry' (for want of a better word) so far is kinda akin to Switchfoot. In a similar way to Jon Foreman I mucked around with some chords and came up with a couple of progressions that sounded good which Jesse changed a bit and set them to a new rhythm. Then after discussing topics for lyrics we wrote a verse and a bit together. And now, having tried to get a bit further on my own I'm stuck.

The good thing, though, is that it's not long until Monday and our next session and if our last (well actuall our first) one was anything to go by we should get a fair bit done. We've got some good chord progressions now so hopefully we can get some good lyrics now. Can't wait!


  1. "McCartney had Lennon"

    Lennon fans would crucify you for writing that haha I would say they wrote an equal amount of excellent songs, just preferred McCartney's melodic approach.

    Yeah, this partnership is cool. Keen on finishing the one song we've started!

  2. Man you guys are the mans (men?) for writing a song. Can't wait to hear it :) lol

  3. Jesse: Duly noted and edited :)
    Laura: You may be waiting a while :D
